Rethink Srls

upstart_miniinsymbioEvery year, in Europe, 33 Million of tons of bio-based materials are wasted.
These cheap bio-based resources could instead be used as feedstocks by all the companies in the nascent sector of the Bio-Economy to produce fuels, fibres, feed and chemicals, replacing their fossil fuel equivalents. However, due to the lack of valid sales channels, aggregated data and awareness, the agricultural sector risks to miss these opportunities.

We want to solve these problems with InSymbio, the first European B2B Marketplace for bio-based residues and by-products with bidding processes and analytics:
– A digital channel dedicated to the matching of demand and supply of biomass and agricultural residues, to streamline and improve the supply chain;
– A data aggregator related to materials traded on the platform, in order to discover prices and trends;
– A marketing tool for companies, which can show to their customers their commitment to waste reduction thanks to our circularity indexes.
We are working on the project since September 2015. We won the following awards:
• “Nuovi Talenti Imprenditoriali” by MIPAAF, representing Italy in Expo 2015 in Milan;
• The H2020 European program “ODINE” (, in London, UK, receiving a a grant of 100k€ and the support of companies like the Open Data Institute, Telefonica, Wayra and the University of Southampton.
• The FP7 European program Soul-FI ( ) with the Instituto Pedro Nunes in Coimbra, Portugal.
Rethink Srls
Via dei Principati 17
84100 Salerno  CAMPANIA
Tel. 3894743145

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